Typescript - Error: Debug Failure. False Expression:


Viewed 141 times


I am trying to create a module definition Node.js. I have the file poolredis.ts, but when I add the line:

import { RedisClient } from 'redis';

The Typescript compiler gives me the error:

Error: Debug Failure. False Expression:

How can I fix it?

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2 answers


You can import 3 ways being 1 of them this way, case of errors try to procreate the types then install them with the following command

npm i @types/redis --save

if the error continues, you can import it in another way and in 2 different ways, the following being:

const redisClient = require('redis');


import * as RedisClient from 'redis';

if the error persists you need to see the library documentation.


npm install -s @types/redis

I think that’s it.

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