How to scan data from an Excel spreadsheet


Viewed 1,955 times


I have a Mysql database and I want to take the data from an excel spreadsheet and send it to him.

I already know how to save the data in the table, just need to know how to scan the spreadsheet and get the data.

3 answers


I recommend using the Spreadsheetlight.

It is very simple to use and rasoably well documented.

Just download the source on the official website and attach in your solution - unfortunately there is no official Nuget package for it.

Follows the exeplo of how to modify an existing spreadsheet:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // SpreadsheetLight works on the idea of a currently selected worksheet.
            // If no worksheet name is provided on opening an existing spreadsheet,
            // the first available worksheet is selected.
            SLDocument sl = new SLDocument("ModifyExistingSpreadsheetOriginal.xlsx", "Sheet2");

            sl.SetCellValue("E6", "Let's party!!!!111!!!1");

            sl.SetCellValue("E6", "Before anyone calls the popo!");

            sl.SetCellValue("B4", "Who let the dogs out?");
            sl.SetCellValue("B5", "Woof!");


            Console.WriteLine("End of program");

On their website there several examples how to perform several other tasks.

  • I will search yes, thanks. however, because Visual Studio is from microsoft, I thought it would have its own code without needing external programs.

  • 1

    You can, but it’s a bit boring to manage. Spreadsheets, documents and presentations today are all in the same format, the Office Open XML. So to distinguish each one - saved by the file extension - it’s pretty boring. But they’re all just compressed XML files. You can create a routine to unzip the files and then work with Xmldocument, but it will not be a very pleasant experience.

  • I used the Virginio code (which does not need external programs) and it worked well. even so, I am grateful for the dedicated time


Open excel and press Alt+F11 to enter the platform to program in VBA.

Create an ODBC connection to connect to the database.

To loop. you can do as follows

Create a module and use the code below

Sub CadastraBD()
Dim Planilha As Worksheet
Set Planilha = Plan1 ' Plan1 é a Planilha/Worksheet

For x = 1 To UltimaLinha(Planilha, 1)
    ColunaA = Range("A" & x)
    ColunaB = Range("B" & x)
    ColunaC = Range("C" & x)
    ColunaD = Range("D" & x)
    ColunaE = Range("E" & x)
End Sub

Public Function UltimaLinha(PLAN As Worksheet, COLUNA As Integer)
    UltimaLinha = PLAN.Cells(65000, COLUNA).End(xlUp).Row
End Function


There is a basic way to do this reading of Excel spreadsheets (*.xls and *.xlsx) but, the provider must be installed on the machine to work. In this example of two ConnectionString one for xls and another to xlsx, depending on the provider can change some variables of this ConnectionString.

Spreadsheet Example:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Code for reading this spreadsheet

using System.Data.OleDB;

    //String de Conexao
    string ConnectionString = @"provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='c:\Temp\NamesV1.xls';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
    //string ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\Temp\Names.xlsx;Extended Properties=\""Excel 12.0 Xml; HDR = YES""\";

using (OleDbConnection db = new OleDbConnection(ConnectionString))
using (OleDbCommand command = db.CreateCommand())
    command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
    command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]";

    using (OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
        if (reader.HasRows)
                System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", reader["Id"], reader["Name"]);



  • 1

    thanks, it worked fine without giving problems. thanks

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