Mask for CPF and Date using <p:Keyboard> Primafaces


Viewed 143 times


I looked at several websites on this subject but found nothing to solve my problem. Come on, I have two fields one for CPF and one for Date of Birth both using the "Keyboard" component of Primafaces, so I’d like to know if you can add masks to these fields without using Jquery.


  • Good morning @Jcsaint, the problem is that I’m using <p:Keyboard> and I’m not being able to do the mask for the fields described above. This solution does not solve my problem, yet I appreciate the time to help me. Thank you.

  • Face you probably won’t be able to do what you want without using javascript no, because this component of the primefaces doesn’t have an attribute to set mask.

  • Good afternoon @José Assis, I managed to solve here, but I really had to use Jquery seeking the component id. But thank you so much for the answer.

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