In Reportviewer, some generated requests are generating an exception, and when this happens, I can’t even export to PDF, but to DOC it works. Does anyone know what’s going on?
I use C# with VS2010 and . Net 4.5
Description of Exception:
em System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile..ctor(Stream stream)
em Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.MetaFilePage..ctor(Stream metaFileStream, PageSettings pageSettings)
em Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportPrintDocument.OnPrintPage(PrintPageEventArgs e)
em System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument._OnPrintPage(PrintPageEventArgs e)
em System.Drawing.Printing.PrintController.PrintLoop(PrintDocument document)
em System.Drawing.Printing.PrintController.Print(PrintDocument document)
em System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.Print()
em Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer.PrintDialog(PrinterSettings printerSettings)
Hello. I could add to the question the piece of code you think is generating the exception?
– Omni
It could, but I believe it will not help, because it only generates the exception when I run Printdialog() in reporviewer. One important piece of information I forgot to mention is that only happens when I print or export to PDF, that is, it renders correctly, views the data on the screen, exports to. DOC, but printing and generating PDF does not work.
– user9093
If Reporterviewer is receiving the information and displaying, do the test with your application on another computer or on a virtual machine, I’ve been using RV for a long time and I haven’t had this problem, but one thing you should consider is the dimensions of the page, footer and etc in the project, on the web you can find patterns.
– Bruno Rodrigues
I entered the site to post a question and saw that this was still unsolved, but I found the problem. The case is that I used in the class an attribute of type uint, and in RV, when I was going to print or generate PDF, it gave error, I just switched to int and the problem was solved.
– user9093