Format result of integer division


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I have the following code in JAVA:

private int metros = 1500, minutos = 60;

    System.out.println("Distância em km = "+(metros/1000));

    System.out.println("Tempo em horas = "+(minutoa/60));

However what is displayed after the execution of this is 1km and I wanted it to print on the screen the value formatted ex: "1,5 km" without the need to create a double variable, that is, if possible.

This same problem applies to hours, for example when asked to split 90 min he should return to me 1 and 30 min of the surplus, instead returns me 1 hour.

  • No converting is no way, 1.5 is a float, if at least one of the operands is not a float or double, its division will never have decimal places, not making use of integer splitting.

  • There are two different problems, it would be interesting to present the part of the code of the second problem too.

  • @diegofm thanks! By the look I will have to create a variable... But as for the formatting of time, I have how to do this?

  • 1

    Do not have to create variable, just have to convert.

  • 1

    A simple solution would be: System.out.println((minutos/60) + " horas e " + (minutos%60) + " minutos");

  • I believe that the idea of formatting km is similar to the one above. Of course you can use Formatter for better display as well.

  • Thanks, I’ll apply to my problem

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2 answers


A straightforward and simple solution would simply add a f float in one of the operands:

System.out.println("Distância em km = "+(metros/1000f));

and for hours, just get the hours divided by 60 and the minutes picking up the division module by 60:

System.out.println((minutos/60) + " horas e " + (minutos%60) + " minutos");

At the suggestion of @Zini, you can also format the number of decimals using printf:

    System.out.println(String.format("Distância em km c/ duas casas decimais = %.2f", (metros/1000f)));

In the above example, it will display up to two houses.

See working on ideone.

  • Use this to control the number of houses in the division: System.out.println(String.format("Distance in km = %.2f", (3/1000f)));

  • 1

    @Zini thanks :) updated in reply.


Just to add something that was not mentioned in the other answers, you could use the unary coercion operator (cast) to get the result with decimals without creating a specific variable.

System.out.println("Distância em km = "+ (float)metros/1000);


System.out.println("Distância em km = "+ (double)metros/1000);

In both cases the value returned is "1.5".

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