I created a menu with HTML5 and CSS3, so far so good, I left it right at the top corner of the screen and everything straight, only when I open the same file on another screen the menu is no longer formatted in the right corner as I had left.
Does anyone have any tips or anything I’m failing to do?
nav#menu ul {
list-style: none;
text-transform: uppercase;
position: absolute;
top: -15px;
left: 450px
nav#menu li {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #dddddd;
padding: 6px;
margin: -1px
nav#menu {
display: block;
<header id="header1">
<h1>Milky Way</h1>
<h2>Solar System</h2>
<img id="icone" src="_images/solarsystems01.png" alt="this images is about solar systems" title="solar system" width="250" height="50" align="right"/>
<nav id="menu">
<li onmouseover="mudaFoto('_images/Mercurio.png')" onmouseout="mudaFoto('_images/solarsystems01.png')"><a href="sun.html">Sun</a></li>
try putting example of your code to be checked from a read in How to ask a good question and also Create an example
– Marco Vinicius Soares Dalalba
Send the Code, I can help solve!
– Giancarlo Soldera Graziano
Nav#menu ul { list-style: None; text-Transform: uppercase; position: Absolute; top: -15px; left: 450px }
– Lucas Souza
Puts the HTML tb. And uses the {} button of the editor to format the code
– bfavaretto
When you say open the file on another screen, what exactly do you refer to?
– relaxeaza
I put the codes, and sorry is my first question.
– Lucas Souza