Filter when selecting a checkbox


Viewed 348 times


I need to make a filter where certain data is shown when selected some checkbox(s).

For example:

The checkbox has been marked "Aguardando embarque" and "Recebido", then you should display a list in a table containing the Status of the selected checkbox.


Aguardando embarque | Embarcado | Recebido | Em análise | Aguardando aprovação
          X         |           |     X    |            |                


Número Ose |  Nome  | Status da Ose | Perfil Usuário
     65    |  Admin |  Aguardando   |  Administrador
           |        |   Embarque    |                
     69    |  Admin |   Recebido    |  Administrador

In case I haven’t been clear, please comment so I can provide you with more information about what I need.

1 answer



In the Controller I make a filter for each Checkbox, in the case of the example below I will do only three:


              'filter1' => array(
                   'Filtro1.descricao' => array(
                       'operator' => 'ILIKE',
                       'value' => array(
                           'before' => '%',
                           'after' => '%'
               'filter2' => array(
                   'Filtro2.descricao' => array(
                       'operator' => 'ILIKE',
                       'value' => array(
                           'before' => '%',
                           'after' => '%'
               'filter3' => array(
                   'Filtro3.descricao' => array(
                       'operator' => 'ILIKE',
                       'value' => array(
                           'before' => '%',
                           'after' => '%'

Then initialize the variables that will be used in the foreach down below:

$conditions = array();
$vFiltro = array();
$filtro1 = '';
$filtro2 = '';
$filtro3 = '';

foreach ($this->Filter->getConditions() as $chave => $valor) {
    if ($valor != '%0%') {
        if ($chave == 'Filtro1.descricao ILIKE') {
            $filtro1 = $valor;
        if ($chave == 'Filtro2.descricao ILIKE') {
            $filtro2 = $valor;
        if ($chave == 'Filtro3.descricao ILIKE') {
            $filtro3 = $valor;

Then if the filters are not empty I add each filter to the condition variable $conditions to make the pagination.

if (!empty($filtro1)) {
    $conditions[] = "Filtro1.descricao ILIKE '" . $filtro1 . "'";
} elseif (!empty($filtro2)) {
    $conditions[] = "Filtro2.descricao ILIKE '" . $filtro2 . "'";
} elseif (!empty($filtro3)) {
    $conditions[] = "Filtro3.descricao ILIKE '" . $filtro3 . "'";
} else {
    $conditions[] = "";

After we make the pagination to show the items we want.

$this->Paginator->settings = array(
    'fields' => array('', 'user_nome', 
                      'Status.descricao', 'Group.descricao'),
    'joins' => array(
        array('table' => 'groups',
            'alias' => 'Group',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => ['User.group_id ='],
        array('table' => 'statuses',
            'alias' => 'Status',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => [' = Ose.status_id_destino'],
        array('table' => 'statuses',
            'alias' => 'Filtro1',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => [' = Ose.status_id_destino'],
        array('table' => 'statuses',
            'alias' => 'Filtro2',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => [' = Ose.status_id_destino'],
        array('table' => 'statuses',
            'alias' => 'Filtro3',
            'type' => 'LEFT',
            'conditions' => [' = Ose.status_id_destino'],
    'condition' => array($conditions),
    'order' => array('' => 'asc')

Above has the alias Ose and the alias User, I don’t do their relationship around here because it’s been done in Model.

After i Seto the pagination values.

// Aqui é definido quais status serão exibidos
$i = [1, 2, 3];
    'ose', $this->paginate(
        'Ose', array(
            'Ose.ativo' => 't%', 
            'Ose.status_id_destino' => $i

Then in the View I’ll tell you what:


      echo $this->Search->create();
      echo $this->Search->input(
                      'filter1', array(
                            'id' => 'filter1', 
                            'type' => 'hidden'
      echo $this->Search->input(
                      'filter2', array(
                            'id' => 'filter2', 
                            'type' => 'hidden'
      echo $this->Search->input(
                      'filter3', array(
                            'id' => 'filter3', 
                            'type' => 'hidden'

And we end with the Snippet below where by clicking on Checkbox desired value is added in the text field exemplified in Snippet, but will actually be included in the field input above, as is done in the CAKEPHP.

function filtro1(value) {
  var filter = document.getElementById('filter1');
  if (document.getElementById('1').checked) {
    filter.value = value;

function filtro2(value) {
  var filter = document.getElementById('filter2');
  if (document.getElementById('2').checked) {
    filter.value = value;

function filtro3(value) {
  var filter = document.getElementById('filter3');
  if (document.getElementById('3').checked) {
    filter.value = value;
<script src=" "

<input type="text" name="filter1" id="filter1">
<input type="text" name="filter2" id="filter2">
<input type="text" name="filter3" id="filter3">

<table border='1px' celspacing='0' colspacing='0'>
    <th>Aguardando embarque</th>
      <input type="checkbox" name="filter1" onclick="filtro1(value)" id="1" value="Aguardando embarque">
      <input type="checkbox" name="filter2" onclick="filtro2(value)" id="2" value="Embarcado">
      <input type="checkbox" name="filter3" onclick="filtro3(value)" id="3" value="Recebido">

<input type="submit" value="Filtrar" />

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