Script to add songs


Viewed 762 times


Hi, I have a script that plays the songs automatically using the tag <audio> of html5, the problem is that I want to pull all the songs from inside the folder I put the songs into without having to add manually, someone would have a simple example of how to do this?

Follow the print of what you have already done:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My file .js:


function audioPlayer() {

    var currentSong = 0;

    $("#audioPlayer")[0].src = $("#playlist li a")[0];

    $("#playlist li a").click(function(e) {
        $("#audioPlayer")[0].src = this;
        $("#playlist li").removeClass("current-song");

        currentSong = $(this).parent().index();

    $("#audioPlayer")[0].addEventListener("ended", function () {
        if (currentSong == $("playlist li a").length) {
            currentSong = 0;

        $("#playlist li").removeClass("current-song");
        $("#playlist li:eq("+currentSong+")").addClass("current-song");
        $("#audioPlayer")[0].src = $("#playlist li a")[currentSong].href;

My html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTML5 Audio Player</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/style.css">
    <audio src="" controls id="audioPlayer">
        Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5!

    <ul id="playlist">
        <li class="current-song">
            <a href="assets/songs/Bruninho & Davi - E Essa Boca Aí- ft. Luan Santana.mp3">Bruninho & Davi - E Essa Boca Aí- ft. Luan Santana</a>

            <a href="assets/songs/COLO - Jads Jadson part Victor Leo.mp3">COLO - Jads Jadson part Victor Leo</a>

            <a href="assets/songs/Felipe e Ferrari part Bruno e Marrone Tira a mao de mim.mp3">Felipe e Ferrari part Bruno e Marrone Tira a mao de mim</a>

            <a href="assets/songs/Fernando e Sorocaba - Paga pau.mp3">Fernando e Sorocaba - Paga pau</a>

            <a href="assets/songs/Junior e Thyago - Os cachorros de goias.mp3">Junior e Thyago - Os cachorros de goias</a>

    <script src="assets/js/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="assets/js/script.js"></script>
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