Change Content within a modal


Viewed 830 times


How can I load a modal and this modal have a button that when clicking exchange the content for another page of this modal that is already open, and when closing back to the previous content. I’m using the materialize front-end framework.

I’m having problems to elaborate the js in which change the content of the initial modal by another page, I can change the content by a text, but not open another page inside it.

  • The only way to display content from another modal page is with an iframe. And that is if the other site allows your content to be rendered in an iframe.

  • is missing information on your question. What modal are you using? jQuery Dialog? Or is it a Javascript modal? Enter your code to make it easier. When you say another page is talking about another url?

1 answer



You need to load the data dynamically on the same page or from another. No iframe required. But it will be loaded the html of the page, or even of a div or other specific tag using a very simple jQuery (requires basic knowledge). But this is also possible using angular (requires intermediate knowledge).

In jQuery I use this code for that:

$('#MytargetDiv').load(' #MytargetContent', function() {
// escreva suas funções ou ações aqui
// você pode alterar, ocultar ou exibir o conteúdo recebido como no exemplo abaixo
$('p.summary').hide(); // ou
$('div img.thumb').remove(); // se o carregamento for bem sucedido estas funções ou ações serão executadas. isso permite infinitas possibilidades.

If you need or want to use the full content you can use it this way.

$('.Class4TargetDiv').load(' #TargetDivWithContent');


$('#MyTargetDiv').load(' .TargetDivWithContent');

Remember that to identify the element you want to load you can identify it by Id (#elementid) or by a CSS class (.anyclass).

Note: You must apply or call this code in the event of the link or the button you will use to trigger the content change.

I hope it will be useful.

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