Create Project from DLL


Viewed 128 times


I’m trying to work with XFS, but in the documentation asks to create a DLL for each service, but the dll’s do not come in the api, they must be built, only in the installation of the environment only has files . h, same as this here.

I know they are header files in C. I want to know how to turn them into DLL’s.

1 answer


You do not "turn" the headers into C. These headers are just "statements", not executable code.

If you are creating a service Provider wosa/xfs, your mission is to create a DLL that implement the statements that are in the header. You is going to create executable code in C for each function declared in the xfsspi file. h.

If you are a user and are developing a wosa/xfs application for an NCR wosa/xfs device (which seems to be the case) then your supplier (NCR) must provide the DLLS wosa/xfs for your devices (note dispenser, receiver, etc).

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