What’s wrong with my code?


Viewed 143 times


algoritmo "Calculadora"

num1, num2, r: real
operacao: caractere


EscrevaL("Digite: ")
leia(num1, operacao, num2)

caso operacao "+"
r <- num1 + num2

caso operacao "-"
r <- num1 - num2

caso operacao "*"
r <- num1 * num2

caso operacao "/"
r <- num1 / num2

EscrevaL("Resultado:", r)


Basically, it doesn’t have the right values, and how could I type in the direct operation, like, 2+2? I tried to do it there, so much so that I read three variables, and it didn’t work. I had to type like this: 2 + 2 So he would recognize, but, as the way I reported above, I could not do. I entered the value 3 + 3, resulted in 9, what am I missing? How can I improve code/fix?

1 answer


There’s an error in the structure of your code.

To implement a CASE structure in Visualg you must declare it as follows:

choosing case ... child

Your correct code would look like this:

algoritmo "calculadora"
num1, num2, r: real
operacao: caractere

// Seção de Comandos
EscrevaL("Digite: ")
leia(num1, operacao, num2)

escolha operacao

caso "+"
r <- num1 + num2

caso "-"
r <- num1 - num2

caso "*"
r <- num1 * num2

caso "/"
r <- num1 / num2


EscrevaL("Resultado:", r)


Look at the sections escolha operacao and fimescolha encapsulating the CASE structure.

  • Thank you, but you can answer another question?

  • It worked. But, how can I do to for example type the expression direct? For example: 2+2 instead of having to do it that way 2, line jumper, +, line jumper, 2? Example: http://prntscr.com/do9npv

  • To type everything in a row you will need to go further: you will need to implement a lexical parser, a parser. Then the subject is more in the area of compilers and formal languages. For simple expressions it is not necessary, but for expressions like (1 + (3 * 5) - 4) / 2, it is impossible to do otherwise. I do not know if it is possible to do this in Visualg. In time, if my previous answer answers your question, please mark it as such.

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