Field comparison problem with date and time


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I have a query where I noticed that one of the fields used in the comparison brings date and time, being compared with the current date of the day without time, this can cause problems in the return of the data:?


      select  top(5)
   c.dtHrProcesso --pega um horário fixo 
   INNER JOIN  TABELAC c on c.idProcesso = p.idProcesso
   WHERE CAST(c.dtHrProcesso AS DATE) = '2016-11-23' -- comando CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)

Shopping : 2016-11-23 05:35:33.690 = '2016-11-23' The best would be to use :

WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST(c.dtHrProcesso AS DATETIME), 120) = '2016-11-23'

Or has no influence on the outcome?

  • what is the type of the dtHrProcess field?

  • and DATETIME type, recording date and time together

3 answers


@itasouza, the form you use is reliable, because it has previously converted datetime for date. That is, the comparison will always be between two operands of the type date. Causes no problem in returning data.

-- código original do itasouza
select  top(5)
   c.dtHrProcesso --pega um horário fixo 
   INNER JOIN  TABELAC c on c.idProcesso = p.idProcesso
   WHERE CAST(c.dtHrProcesso AS DATE) = '2016-11-23'

Note that if in a row the value of the column c.dtHrProcesses is "2016-11-23 05:35:33.690", we will then have the following comparison:

 Cast('2016-11-23 05:35:33.690' as date) = '2016-11-23'

which is the same as

 '2016-11-23' = '2016-11-23'

For those who are in doubt if the original code proposed by @itasouza is correct, just run the following code.

-- código #1
declare @TABELAC table (Seq int identity, dtHrProcesso datetime);

INSERT into @TABELAC (dtHrProcesso) values
  (convert(datetime, '2016-11-23 03:55:18', 120)), 
  (convert(datetime, '2016-11-22 02:00:22', 120)), 
  (convert(datetime, '2016-11-24 12:44:56', 120)), 
  (convert(datetime, '23/11/2016', 103)), 
  (convert(datetime, '2016-11-23 23:59:59', 120));


SELECT Seq, dtHrProcesso
  from @TABELAC as C
  where Cast(dtHrProcesso as date) = '2016-11-23';

It would be even better if you did something similar to:

-- código #2
declare @DataPesq date;
set @DataPesq= Convert(date, '23/11/2016', 103);

SELECT top (5) p.codinterno, c.dtHrProcesso
  from TABELA as p
       inner join TABELAC as c on c.idProcesso = p.idProcesso
  where CAST(c.dtHrProcesso AS DATE) = @DataPesq;

Other option:

-- código #3
declare @DataPesq date;
set @DataPesq= Convert(date, '23/11/2016', 103);  -- formato dd/mm/aaaa

-- variáveis internas para delimitação de período
declare @DataInic datetime, @DataFin datetime;
set @DataInic= @DataPesq;
set @DataFin= DateAdd(ms, -3, DateAdd(day, +1, DataPesq));

SELECT top (5) p.codinterno, c.dtHrProcesso
  from TABELA as p
       inner join TABELAC as c on c.idProcesso = p.idProcesso
  where c.dtHrProcesso between @DataInic and @DataFin;

When you want to make sure the code is sargable, should avoid applying functions to table columns in the clause WHERE. However, the form

 Cast(coluna_datetime as date) = ...

is one of the exceptions. See Make more functions Sargable.



Check that

SELECT CASE WHEN CAST( '2016-11-23 05:35:33.690' AS DATE ) = '2016-11-23' THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END

returns true and

SELECT CASE WHEN '2016-11-23 05:35:33.690' = '2016-11-23' THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END

false return

  • It seems that the question now is: what did he mean by 'problem' in the return of data? I understood that his question was basically this: should I use the cast or not? In what I answered yes should use, since the lack of it causes different effects.


Yes, it causes a problem with data return. In your example, the data between '23/11/2016 00:01' and '23/11/2016 23:59' will not be returned in the query.

I face this problem in my work environment and usually solve it in two different ways:

Example: Search all records for the day 23/11/2016.

1 - First form

WHERE movData BETWEEN '23/11/2016' AND '23/11/2016 23:59:59'

2 - Second form

WHERE movData >= '23/11/2016' AND movData < '24/11/2016'


WHERE movData >= '23/11/2016' AND movData < DATEADD('d', 1, '23/11/2016')

If the field is of type DATA and has time, it is imperative to put the time in the query filter also, under feathers of the returned data set be incorrect.

  • As in the code of itasouza the value of the column dtHrProcesso (type datetime) is converted previously to date, before the comparison, then the code of itasouza does not cause any error in the return of data.

  • The problem of data return is nay return the data correctly. To say that '23/12/2016 03:57:09' is equal to '23/12/2016' is wrong. When you compare '12/23/2016' is actually comparing '12/23/2016 00:00'. In addition to the cost represented by CAST for each row.

  • If movdata is '23/11/2016 23:59:10', what happens in the code "first form" by you proposed?

  • The non-account of the seconds was not placed only because I did not find relevant to exemplify the question. But it is implicit and depends on the granularity of the stored data and the need. In my case I do not store, so it was not in my examples. Anyway I will edit and put. That’s the reason for the negative?

  • I’m seeing two more serious problems with the answer. The first is that you are ignoring the cast to date that the author did, which invalidates his considerations about the time, which becomes irrelevant. The second is that you make a comparison with 23:59:59, i.e., continue the proleme if it is 23:59:59.378. As for the second form, it even makes sense as a complementary answer (for those who do not want or can not use the cast) but then you better explain the advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately the second way alone is not enough to save the answer, if you leave the other mentioned mistakes.

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