Problem performing a Java INSERT language


Viewed 97 times


Hello community people, I’m with a problem that I think should be very easy but as I am beginner to me is not rs, I have a Insert to realize that stays in a class called ClienteDAO follows code below:

public class clienteDAO {   
public void Create(cliente c){    
   Connection conn = javaConnect.ConnectDb();

   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;

    try {
        pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO cliente (cliente_nome,cliente_rg,cliente_cpf,end_rua,end_numero,end_bairro,end_cidade,end_estado,end_cep) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
        pstmt.setString(1, c.getNome());
        pstmt.setString(2, c.getRg());
        pstmt.setString(3, c.getCpf());
        pstmt.setString(4, c.getRua());
        pstmt.setString(5, c.getNumero());
        pstmt.setString(6, c.getBairro());
        pstmt.setString(7, c.getCidade());
        pstmt.setString(8, c.getEstado());
        pstmt.setString(9, c.getCep());


        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Cadastro Realizado!");

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Erro ao salvar: " + ex);

Notice I didn’t put:


and instead I put


'cause when I put ExecuteQuery returns me the following error:

"Java.sql.Sqlexception: query does not Return result"

but when I put ExecuteUpdate it returns another error that is:

"Java.sql.Sqlexception: client.id_client may not be NULL"

namely the update would not be correct, right ? and it became clear to me, now why executeQuery not work ?

And then I stay, what to do ? rs,the connection with the bank seems to be correct, the way I wrote the INSERT also seems to be correct, and as I am new in the area I don’t know what to do.

I’ll leave the client table creation script :

CREATE TABLE cliente (
id_cliente integer increment(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
cliente_cpf varchar(20),
cliente_rg varchar(20),
cliente_nome varchar(60),
end_rua varchar(40),
end_numero varchar(10),
end_bairro varchar(50),
end_cep varchar(20),
end_estado varchar(40),
end_cidade varchar(40)

Detail: I tried to replace the increment(1,1) by Identity(1,1) but did not solve, the bank I am using is Sqlite.

1 answer


The executeUpdate() is correct. Java displays the error but it seems the problem is SQL and not Java.

You tried to enter a record without informing the id_perfil, that by default SQL is trying to insert as null. Probably failed to declare this field as AUTO INCREMENT.

A ALTER TABLE (or else change the table interactively in the database viewer of your preference) should solve.

The AUTO INCREMENT assigns a numerical value to the field in question automatically, following an ascending order of values. There you need not be required to include this field in your INSERTs.

  • Hello Piovezan I appreciate the support, I tried to tidy up the bank creating the table as follows: CREATE TABLE cliente (
id_cliente integer increment(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
cliente_cpf varchar(20),
cliente_rg varchar(20),
cliente_nome varchar(60),
end_rua varchar(40),
end_numero varchar(10),
end_bairro varchar(50),
end_cep varchar(20),
end_estado varchar(40),
end_cidade varchar(40)
) but it did not work, then replaces the increment by Identity(1,1) but also got the same results

  • You have to say which bank (I also didn’t ask) so we know what the correct syntax of create table is.

  • I am using Sqlite

  • Then use id_client integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,

  • Piovezan, thank you for your patience and time for helping me with this problem, really the problem was in creating the wrong bank using the wrong syntax. Thank you!

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