How to view the data registered on another page


Viewed 460 times


Hello friends how could make registered data appear on another page in a table ? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

That is the code

<form method="post" action="index.php" onSubmit="">
            <legend>Sistema de Inventário</legend><br />

            <label class="borda">Setor: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" name="setor" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Usuário:</label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="usuario" name="usuario" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">O/S :</label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" name="os" size="30" required><br /><br />

            <label class="borda">Hd : </label>
            <input  class="form_inp"type="text"  name="hd" size="30" required><br />                        
            <hr />          
            <label class="borda">Memória:</label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="" name="memoria" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Processador: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="processador"  name="processador" size="30" required><br /><br />
            <hr />
            <label class="borda">Cd/Dvd: </label>
            <select class="form_inp"  name="cd"> 
                <option value="Sim">Sim</option> 
                <option value="Não">Não</option> 

            <br />

            <label class="borda">Placa Mãe: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="placam" name="placam" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">HostName: </label>
            <input class="form_inp"type="text" id="host" name="host" size="30" required><br /><br />

            <label class="borda">Monitor/Patrimônio/Marca/Modelo: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="monitor" name="monitor" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Nobreak/Patrimônio/Marca/: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="nobreak" name="nobreak" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Placa de Rede : </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="placar" name="placar" size="30" required><br />

            <label class="borda">Placa de Vídeo: </label>
            <input class="form_inp" type="text" id="placav" name="placav" size="30" required><br />

            <hr />
            <input type="submit" style="float: right;" value="Cadastrar" >
            <input type="reset" style="float: right;" value="Limpar">



        ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

        $servidor = "localhost";
        $usuario = "root";
        $senha = "";
        $dbname = "cadastro";

        //Criar a conexao
        $link = new mysqli ("localhost", "root", "", "cadastro");
             echo"Nossas falhas local experiência ..";

        if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                $sql="INSERT INTO setor(setor,usuario,hd,memoria,processador,cd,placam,host,monitor,nobreak,placar,placav) VALUES('$setor','$usuario','$hd','$memoria','$processador','$cd','$placam','$host','$monitor','$nobreak','$nobreak','$placav')";
                $resultado_cadastro = mysqli_query($link,$sql);

  • 1
  • It’s hard to understand...

  • has this registration screen and I want to see what was registered on another page.

  • Recovering data from last record and showing on other page would not work?

  • Yes, not only the last entry, but everyone . How do I @Shutupmagda

1 answer


Considering that the data you want to list is already saved in a database, it is not very difficult.

Create the new page, make your connection to the database, and then run your query by picking up the results. Example (using mysql_query and whereas you will use PHP):

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Lista de Cadastros</title> </head> <body> <h1>Estes são os cadastros</h1> <?php //A CONEXÃO COM O BANCO VAI AQUI... ?> <?php $result = mysql_query(SELECT campo1, campo2, campo3..., campoN FROM nomeDaTabela); ?> <table> <tr>
<th>Dado 1</th> <th>Dado 2</th> <th>Dado 3</th> <th>Dado N</th> </tr> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) : ?> <tr> <td><?= $row['campo1']; ?></td> <td><?= $row['campo2']; ?></td> <td><?= $row['campo3']; ?></td> <td><?= $row['campoN']; ?></td> </tr> <?php endwhile; ?> </table> </body> </html>

Note: mysql_query is deprecated. Look to use PDO. There are many tutorials on the internet teaching how to do.

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