Entity framework does not create mdf file


Viewed 262 times


In my ASP.net MVC5 project he creates the default database by Visual Studio 2013.

I went to the App_data folder and deleted the database mdf file, as well as the log file.

I’m wanting him to create that file again.

In my configuration file, I have the following code.

   public class UserDBContext: DbContext 

        public UserDBContext(): base("ConnectionString") 
            Database.SetInitializer<UserDBContext>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<UserDBContext>());

        public DbSet<Cliente> Clientes{ get; set; }
        public DbSet<Topico> Topicos{ get; set; }

It passes, and does not give any error, however it does not create database file.

  • Do you have any code that uses the context class, accessing the DbSets? The RU uses a strategy of Lazy Evaluation which only executes the code when needed.

1 answer


To recreate the MDF, right-click the project > Add > New Item, and choose the option Service Based Database or else Service-Based Database:

Banco de Dados Baseado em Serviço

Migrations should work normally. Just run that tables are recreated inside your file. Don’t forget to update your Connection String.

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