Is it possible to use Elide with Qlabel?


Viewed 93 times


I’m trying to use the element QLabel and if the text execrates the width size it can look like this:

  • Add 3 points to the right:

    Foo bar baz foo bar...
  • Add 3 points from center:

    Foo bar ba...oo bar baz
  • Add 3 points to the left: baz foo bar baz

Is it possible to do this natively, or do I have to reimplement using QFontMetrics with QResizeEvent?

2 answers


There seems to be nothing native. But you can use the method QFontMetrics::elidedText to implement an "elided text" of a line. Here is an example (original source for example in Soen):

QString text("some long text without elipsis");
QFontMetrics metrics(label->font());
QString elidedText = metrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, label->width());

There is also a more complete example in the Qt documentation, where a new class specific to this is implemented to allow this to be done in multi-line Labels. Ah, you can also use the class QxtLabel of the Qxt extension, because it already implements what you want in the method QxtLabel::setElideMode.


The response of Luiz helped me, however I needed something to do automatically, I thought to use the paintEvent or something like that, but the resizeEvent worked well,

  • elidedlabel. h

    #ifndef ELIDEDLABEL_H
    #define ELIDEDLABEL_H
    #include <QLabel>
    class ElidedLabel : public QLabel
        explicit ElidedLabel(QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0);
        explicit ElidedLabel(const QString &text, QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0);
        void setType(const Qt::TextElideMode type);
    public slots:
        void setText(const QString &text);
        void elide();
        void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
        QString original;
        Qt::TextElideMode defaultType;
        bool eliding;
    #endif // ELIDEDLABEL_H
  • elidedlabel.cpp

    #include "elidedlabel.h"
    #include <QResizeEvent>
    #include <QTimer>
    ElidedLabel::ElidedLabel(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
        QLabel(parent, f)
        defaultType = Qt::ElideMiddle;
        eliding = false;
        original = "";
    ElidedLabel::ElidedLabel(const QString &text, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
        QLabel(text, parent, f)
        defaultType = Qt::ElideMiddle;
        //Usado para verificar se a string está ou não sendo atualizado
        eliding = false;
        //Guarda o texto original
    void ElidedLabel::setType(const Qt::TextElideMode type)
           Altera o tipo de elide, podendo ser:
           Esquerda: "... bar baz"
           Meido: "Foo ... baz"
           Direita: "Foo bar ..."
        defaultType = type;
    //Atualiza o texto se o Label for redimensionado
    void ElidedLabel::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
        //O delay é necessário para evitar conflitos
        QTimer::singleShot(50, this, SLOT(elide()));
    //Atualiza o texto
    void ElidedLabel::setText(const QString &text)
        original = text;
        //Executa no momento que é atualizado
    void ElidedLabel::elide()
        if (eliding == false) {
            eliding = true;
            QFontMetrics metrics(font());
            QLabel::setText(metrics.elidedText(original, defaultType, width()));
            eliding = false;

To use just call so:

#include "elidedlabel.h";


ElidedLabel label1;


ElidedLabel *label1 = new ElidedLabel;

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