How to activate the Insert only when you click the insert button


Viewed 96 times


I have a form that every time it is given post, it is giving error by lack of parameter. I would like to give Insert only when someone clicks on the insert button (hand on the drawing). I thought to disable the button to enable only when it is filled but do not know how to proceed. Desabilitando Insert

1 answer


You need to validate the fields.

You can do this in Javascript, PHP or both.

For example in PHP:

if(trim($_POST['quantidade']) == ''){
    $error[] = 'Quantidade - Campo Obrigatório!';

if(trim($_POST['custo']) == ''){
    $error[] = 'Custo - Campo Obrigatório!';

if(trim($_POST['modelo']) == ''){
    $error[] = 'Modelo - Campo Obrigatório!';

if(count($error) > 0){
   # Volta para a página sem dar Insert
   # Faz insert

And so with the other fields.

The trim() takes the spaces from the beginning and end of the string. Then checks if it is empty.

  • but how do I exbible that alert? Can I use bootstrap Alert?

  • Yeah, you can use it. I do so: if (isset($_POST['variavel_x'])){ /if the variable exists, that is if there is any content, if it was filled, or in the case of the button, if it was clicked; }

  • You can. On the page you check if there is a variable $error. If yes, you show.

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