SQL Select inside a select with condition


Viewed 364 times


I have 3 tables in the database to control a "news portal", where the tables have the following functions:

  • news -> Table with the news
  • gallery -> Table with images used in news
  • relation -> Table relating the news to the images

Each news item may have more than one image, hence the segmentation. I was able to elaborate a way to select the news and the images belonging to it, but with the use of foreach, thus running 2 SELECT, for example:

$noticia = "SELECT * FROM noticia";

foreach ($noticia as $row) {
    $id = $row['id'];

    $galeria = "SELECT a.* FROM galeria a, relacao b WHERE b.idNoticia = '$id' AND b.id_galeria = a.id";;

There are cases where the news may not have image yet.

I would like to know if you have any method to improve this code and perform the whole query in just one select, it is possible?

There are other areas that I can expand on this same logic, such as selecting tags registered in the news (follows the same logic, only changing the reference tables), but solving this problem, I can solve the other.

  • 1

    Here’s how: "SELECT a.* FROM gallery a left Join relacao b on a.ID = b.ID WHERE b.idNoticia = '$id' "

  • Try it this way here, $galeria = "SELECT a.* FROM galeria a, relacao b JOIN noticia n ON b.idNoticia = n.id WHERE b.id_galeria = a.id";

  • If you do, I’ll put the full answer...

  • @Localhost but the idea would be to merge the galeria and relacao with the news select, turning only into 1. The way you passed it does not solve this issue. In case, first I need to upload the news itself, then load the images (if any).

  • but in case I withdrew the news and foreach turned into a select only... I just could not test here,but I will test here...

  • @Localhost but and the selection of data from the news table?

  • Ai would just add next to select $galeria = "SELECT a.*,n.* FROM galeria a, relacao b JOIN noticia n ON b.idNoticia = n.id WHERE b.id_galeria = a.id";

  • @Localhost, yes, perfect. So, in this case I was able to select, however, only news that have images. Those that do not have were not selected. I need to select all (with/without image) plus the images of those that have.

  • Put like this your bank to better understand... because now I’ve bugged here kk

  • 2

    @Celsomtrindade if you want all news, even without a photo, just use LEFT JOIN with the news table on the left. More details here: http://answall.com/questions/6441/70 - Note that in this case, you will be doing the repeat news part in all photos, which is usually a waste of server bandwidth. What you want only makes sense if you want to take a photo only for news (cover photo type, for example), and upload the other news photos when opening, in a separate SELECT. (and I have seen solution to two situations already answered here on the site, to speak well the truth)

  • @Bacco then, although there are other means, for the sake of resources, the ideal would be to continue doing as demonstrated in my question?

  • 2

    It only depends on your specific case. The important thing is that you understand the difference in each of the ways, as I said before. Using Join, repeats the fields that will be used only once, but returns everything. Doing it your way, are several requests. Each option has a "cost", need to calculate in your real case what more compensates.

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