Error while emulating AVD in android studio


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error while trying to emulate a device in android studio

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He lets create the device, but at the time of emulating this error, I already searched, but not getting anything related.

  • Are you sure you are creating Avd? Now you are generating . ini?

  • Yes. I got him to do it like this: Installing the updates and creating an Avd folder inside . android, so: . android/Avd.

  • After following these tips of this link: I managed to make some emulators run, but they can’t find my app.

  • it runs the emulator, but when opening the app: 00:37:54 Executing tasks: [:app:clean, :app:generateDebugSources, :app:generateDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:mockableAndroidJar, :app:prepareDebugUnitTestDependencies, :app:assembleDebug] 00:39:59 Gradle build finished with 1 error(s) in 2m 1s 400ms 00:40:10 Session 'app': Error Installing APK

  • do not have an apk folder and an . apk file in the directory. Why is that? 12/19 00:40:04: Launching app The APK file /home/Henrique/Androidstudioprojects/Unidos/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk does not exist on disk. Error while Installing APK

  • Are you sure that all the required drives are installed and that the android version of the emulator has also been installed? Try to reinstall, maybe it might have corrupted or something...

  • Guys. thanks for the help. I will run the app via usb debugging same.

  • Thank you to @seamusd and Renato Vieria Dantas. It was already a big advance of the amount of errors that was giving, now it just doesn’t find the app and gives an error of apparently not being able to write in the folder . android, but all permissions are ok. I will try to fix these 2 or 3 bugs that were put there here. D

  • When you compile, compile, your .apk will stay inside the directory\build\outputs\apk. Try to check there. If not, you are having another problem. =)

  • kk This there yes.

  • Try using your own android phone as emulator

  • Good tip @Gersonartur. When I was playing with android I did this, very useful to use via usb debugging. Thank you.

  • Use the terminal to launch android studio besides allowing superuser permissions is much more likely that these problems will not happen again

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1 answer


Buddy, Good afternoon!

You tried that?

With the update of Android Studio, Google, started to use libstdc++, and it is incompatible with Intel driver installed on your system.

Check if your system has the packages: lib64stdc++6 and mesa-utils, if you have not installed using the commands below:

sudo apt-get install lib64stdc++6 mesa-utils

Then make the symbolic link from the libraries to the path of the sdk android tools

cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools/lib64/libstdc++

sudo mv

sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ ~/Android/Sdk/tools/lib64/libstdc++

If you have any questions, look at the forum

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