Error while running Android Studio emulator


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I’m having a problem when emulating a device in android studio. When I try the following error happens:

15:28:24 FileNotFoundException: /home/Henrique/. android/Avd/3_2_HVGA_slider_ADP1_API_17.ini (File or directory not found)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After you have created the AVD does not appear and when I click to emulate appears to create a.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Have you checked if this file or directory actually exists at the given address?

  • What I don’t understand. Only have a file inside . android/

  • This I don’t understand. It only has a file inside . android/ a file called uid.txt, with this content: 23a02592-9afb-4694-b798-fccd0956879a

  • Try creating a virtual machine again and check where it is being set up.

  • This Avd directory is where you find all created virtual machines.

  • In case you have to uninstall AVD and reinstall normally?

  • You created a virtual machine right?! So when you create an VD it generates that file .ini. From the looks of it, the ide is not finding this file. By default it should be inside this Avd folder. What I’m saying is you try to create another Avd with a more accessible name and do a search on your hard drive to see where this file went.

  • There is, right. I’ll do it. Thank you very much for the tips. I’ll let you know if it worked.

  • It didn’t work. Apparently he doesn’t create AVD.

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1 answer


From what we understand, your file .ini is not in the default directory as it should be. Then you have to do a check of where you actually created your AVD (Android Virtual Devices).

To show the files .ini and .img of the AVD associated on the disk, right-click an AVD and select Show on Disk. Or click Menu and select Show on Disk.

You can read more in the documentation itself that says how Create and manage virtual devices.

  • @Henrique-birth on the link of this reply, shows how it is possible to create and manage virtual devices.

  • So it actually lets you create AVD, but in the case when you go to the virtual device management screen, you have nothing. And when I searched the hard drive I found nothing also related to VD that I had created.

  • @Henriquenascimento The problem then is in the creation of an AVD. I saw there in the upper corner that has updates to do in your Android Studio. Try updating it to the latest version that might fix this issue.

  • I’ll update you if it doesn’t work out or if you put it here. But I’ll probably uninstall, it’s the third time I’ve tried to install in Ubuntu, since Friday and every time there’s some kind of mistake. I will reinstall another opportunity. When I had windows in dualboot with Ubuntu.

  • @Henriquenascimento I’ve spent a lot of anger with these things. Today I use Windows, but I would like to be using Linux but I’ve had some big problems of wasting a lot of time and losing projects. For all the badness of Windows, I still use because of Photoshop and Coreldraw that I’m addicted to. In the times I used UBUNTU, I migrated to Inkscape, but never even got to the feet of these two wonderful tools (Photoshop and Coreldraw) hehe. But good luck there!

  • kkk sei come é. I created an Avd folder inside the directory . android/ getting like this: . android/Avd. Now shows the AVD’s in managed. But you still have a mistake:

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