I cannot access website served by Grunt server from another computer on LAN


Viewed 74 times


I’m trying to access my development environment served by Grunt and the site just doesn’t open. It’s like it doesn’t exist. Among other things I’m using livereload, jshint and karma but I don’t think the problem is related to that.

My server settings are:

// The actual grunt server settings
connect: {
  options: {
    port: 9010,
    hostname: 'localhost',
    livereload: 35729

1 answer


This problem can be solved easily.

Switch in your configuration arquivo Gruntfile.js the following:

Of hostname: 'localhost'

For hostname: ''.

When you put localhost address is only allowed on the track 127.0.0.*.

To use addresses such as 192.168.0.* you must specify the other mask.

NOTE: this was posted as an error in the Grunt discussion file but it is actually just a documentation problem that has already been solved in the newer versions.

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