TFS unable to locate part of the path


Viewed 570 times


I’m trying to check in a project for my repository at visual studio online (Team Fundation Service). But I’m getting the following error message:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Someone’s been through this trouble?


  • Did you try to commit to the console? In the console using the git status command, what is the return?

  • @egomesbrandao Opa, thanks for the suggestion, I’m not actually using git and yes TFS. I have already identified the problem and fixed it. The problem is that the file FoxCcoManagerDatabase.sln was no longer at the location indicated in the error.

  • Sorry, Matheus... didn’t really see written check-in above, which only used in TFVC and not in Git

  • @Matheussaraiva as you identified and fixed the problem, post an answer. This way the question will exit the queue with no answer.

1 answer


The archive FoxCcoManagerDatabase.sln was no longer in the location indicated by the error. Just remove the file through the window Control Source Explorer.

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