Angularjs in "Big" project


Viewed 112 times


I read by the literature that Angularjs is made for single page.

And if I use the same for a larger application, with several screens. What would be the negative impacts of using Angularjs? And if I wanted these impacts not to be generated, but to continue using Angularjs, I could think of a microservice architecture?

  • 2

    Single Page Application is not an application that has only one page. Basically, a SPA is an application that is developed more on the client side than on the server. That is, instead of generating the server-side HTML’s and trafficking them to deliver to the client, an approach is used where data is mainly trafficked and the client is responsible for the HTML modifications.

1 answer


Angularjs is made for single page, right?

Yes, Angular is a single-page application framework - which means your operating model prevents reloads complete (as in a navigation to another page, for example, where the browser discards the current page and loads all the features indicated on the new page).

And if I use the same for a larger application, with several screens. What would be the negative impacts of using Angularjs?

None - or rather, depends on the implementation model. In the same way as traditional HTML sub-optimized solutions exist (for example using multiple Iframes), an Angular solution can also be poorly designed.

The mechanism equivalent, in the Angular world, to the navigation flow between pages/modules is known as routes.

And if I wanted these impacts not to be generated, but to continue using Angularjs, I could think of a microservice architecture?

The two are unrelated. The most common problems in Angular implementations have to do with resource flow and load. Microservices has as its focus granularity.

  • My hero =)

  • @jbueno * blushes *

  • The only negative impact of using angular on multiple pages is that indexing on google will likely fall. But if it is an application that does not care so much about indexing, use and abuse of Angularjs. It makes our life much easier.

  • Thanks for the answers. They helped a lot. D

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