Comparison between decimal numbers


Viewed 212 times


I have 2 posts on a table, with prices 500,00 and 88,98. When I run to sort according to the highest price, Mysql returns me that 88.98 is higher than 500.00, the "price" field is a string, because it happens?

  • Can you put the code you made?

  • And why preço is varchar?

2 answers


Because 5 comes before 8, as is string it is comparing the characters. Change to decimal the data type.

  • To which type? I changed to decimal and had it: Truncated DECIMAL value '5.00'


You can follow what Douglas said, from the table extrusion change the data type for this field. Also you can convert from select by fetching the data using this syntax:

SELECT seu_campo FROM `sua_tabela`
  • Thanks, I’ll test, but what would this 10.2?

  • 10,2 are the attributes of the decimal data type. Where: 10-Represents the numbers before the comma 2-Represents the numbers after the comma (decimal place)

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