File Download with Laravel 5.3


Viewed 1,022 times


I need to make PDF files available for download. I don’t know if I’m at least on the right track, but I’m having an error that indicates the file doesn’t exist. My controller is as follows:

public function  download($id,Request $request)
    $title = 'Download - file';
        return URL::to('file/'. $id . '/download');
    $file = File::findOrfail($id);
    $fileNome = $file->nome;
    $dir= public_path()."\\$file->user_id\\$fileNome";
    $headers = array(
      'Content-Type: application/pdf',
    $baixar = Response::download($dir, $fileNome, $headers);
    return view('',compact('title','baixar'));

The mistake is:

Filenotfoundexception in File.php line 37: The file "C: xampp htdocs punctualContabi public 1 boleto_cassio.pdf" does not exist in File.php line 37 at File->__Construct('C: xampp htdocs pointContabi public 1 boleto_cassio.pdf') in Binaryfileresponse.php line 94

The file path is correct. I don’t understand the reason for this error. Can anyone help ?

  • Take the URL and paste it into the browser. See if it opens the file. C:\xampp\htdocs\pontualContabi\public\1\boleto_cassio.pdf

  • "File not found". When you paste the direct link into the browser it turns file://C:/xampp/htdocs/pointContabi/public/1/boleto_cassio.pdf

  • So there is no :p file

  • Yes, the file exists. It is in the folder.

  • Go to his folder through the explorer and see which folder that file really is in. Believe the error. If you’re saying you didn’t find it, it’s because it’s wrong. Click on the address bar in the file folder and copy the address and paste it here.

  • The file is there. Even I use another way to access the file. I do not know if it is indicated for security reasons. I call a modal with the link to the file, so I can. I just don’t know if this way is the right way to accomplish this task.

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