Error using values string


Viewed 53 times


Hello, I’m using string within values.

Everything is working fine, but when the phrase is composed of something that comes from the bank (for example) and a string, it is putting numbers instead of text.

numeroAvaliacoes.setText(" " + object.getInt("avaliacoes") + R.string.avaliacoesesp);

Someone knows how to fix this?

I know I could put two Textviews, but there are things (for example the share Intent that would have to put together.

Thank you

2 answers


It turns out that R.string.avaliacoesesp is a Resource.

Do so:

numeroAvaliacoes.setText(" " + object.getInt("avaliacoes") + getResources().getString(R.string.avaliacoesesp));


The class TextView has the method setText overloaded in various ways (Follows the documentation):

You can pass the id (Resid) of a String, and also the String (Charsequence) in itself, among other forms.

If you concatenate the id with a String, she considers the value of id (transforms the value into String)

In your case, you need to turn your id into String, so you can concatenate !

For this purpose it uses the method getString of Context.

follows an example:

numeroAvaliacoes.setText(" " + object.getInt("avaliacoes") +getContext().getString( R.string.avaliacoesesp ));

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