Java jtable, parameter error?


Viewed 35 times


I’m having a hard time getting through parameters for my jTable, these parameters being a Object[][] and a String[].

tabela = new JTable(dados, colunas);

It does not work the data is a matrix like this:

dados = new Object[1][contador_de_grupos];

And the columns like this:

colunas[i] = "Grupo "+ i+1; 

Where the data of the columns receive the names of the groups within a loop of repetition, because the v=header is not static will increase or decrease in size depending on the number of groups created at the time of calculation

  • 1

    What a mistake you’re making?

  • Look, if the intention is to have columns of dynamical size, your approach is quite wrong. Vectors ALWAYS need to have their size defined, be one-dimensional(e.g..: int[] vet) or multidimensional(e.g..: int[][] matriz). You cannot pass a value as dimension that is not set. If you want to use dynamic columns, you need to create your own Tablemodel.

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