Login Module with Spring Security


Viewed 251 times


Guys, I’m studying the Spring Framework and all the others frameworks that it makes available and would very much like to implement a module of login.

I am currently using Spring without any use of XML except the pom.xml, and many of the sites that I downloaded had examples in XML.

  1. There is a lot of difference between Spring Security implemented with XML or JAVA?
  2. Do any of them have any advantage or disadvantage? From what I saw XML ends up getting very extensive and difficult to maintain over time.
  3. You would have some tutorial for beginners working with java code?

Thank you all!

1 answer


  1. There is a lot of difference between Spring Security implemented with XML or JAVA?
    You can create a project with both XML and Java.
  1. Do any of them have any advantage or disadvantage? From what I saw XML ends up getting very extensive and difficult to maintain over time.
    An advantage of Java Configuration, is that it accuses syntax error, already in the XML configuration, you will only discover the error when running the project.
  1. You would have some tutorial for beginners working with java code?
    I recommend a search in some repositories of github or bitbucket, follow a link of a project of mine from college:
    Example (To run the application, you need to have the postgresql database installed in addition to creating a database named "Stockcar")
    Also try, look for some tutorial in English, always have more content to study.

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