Help JSON Delphi


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Good afternoon!

Could you help me read this JSON file in Delphi. I have tried several classes, including the native Delphi and I was able to read only the data of the first node, as status. I use the Delphi XE6 version.

            "mensagem":"Banco Caixa Econômica Federal - Campo (boleto.conta.convenio) - O formato do convênio é de até 7 dígitos (6  dígitos + dígito verificador) e deve ser (dddddd-d), onde (d) = numérico, representa um dígito numérico de zero a n ove, mas o informado foi (65).",
        "mensagem":"Banco Caixa Econômica Federal - Campo (boleto.conta.agencia) - O formato da agência de 4 dígitos deve ser (dddd), mínimo 1 dígito e máximo 4 dígitos, onde (d) = numérico, representa um dígito numérico de zero a nove, mas o informado foi (45125).",
  • How is your code?

  • Help yourself to these two links...

  • I made several codes with several JSON classes. I had already seen this tutorial, but I didn’t understand the concept of array node. Thank you!

1 answer


I created a project as an example. I used Delphi Seattle but I think it works on X6 as well. See below:

Add to uses:


Add a TMemo and put in it the text JSON you passed on your question. Add a TButton and put the code down on OnClick

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    JSonObjectAsString: string;
    JSObj             : TJSONObject;
    JSArray           : TJSONArray;
    JSValue           : TJSONValue;
    JSonObjectAsString := Memo1.Text;

    JSObj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(JSonObjectAsString) as TJSONObject;
        // Erro
        // Status
        Memo1.Lines.Add((JSObj.GetValue('erro') as TJSONObject).GetValue('status').ToJSON);
        // tipo
        Memo1.Lines.Add((JSObj.GetValue('erro') as TJSONObject).GetValue('tipo').ToJSON);
        // causas
        JSArray := (JSObj.GetValue('erro') as TJSONObject).GetValue('causas') as TJSONArray;
        for JSValue in JSArray do
            // código
            Memo1.Lines.Add((JSValue as TJSONObject).GetValue('codigo').ToJSON);
            // mensagem
            Memo1.Lines.Add((JSValue as TJSONObject).GetValue('mensagem').ToJSON);
            // suporte
            Memo1.Lines.Add((JSValue as TJSONObject).GetValue('suporte').ToJSON);
  • Thanks Daniel. It worked, just have to change the . Tojson that does not have in DELPHI XE6 to Tostring. There is a way to remove double quotes automatically, because I’m getting back to them. The examples I was seeing only used Child(xx). Why did you use Jsvalue for array only?

  • I was able to remove it by doing this. I don’t know if the best way, but it was like this: Memo2.Lines.Add((JSValue as TJSONObject).GetValue('codigo').ToString.Replace('"',''));

  • The elements of a JSONArray may be of any kind JSON. In Delphi the TJSONValue is the father of all kinds of JSON. That’s why I used the TJSONValue and then I made a cast for the known type. In case TJSONObject.

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