Application using Ionic/Cordova (Sqlite).
I’m using the $cordovaSQLite plugin inside the app. When I save, modify something in the project, the simulation in brownser (Googlechrome) is extremely slow to load and when it loads the following errors appear:
Unable to open database, failed to start transaction (5 database is locked)
Uncaught Domexception: Failed to execute 'openDatabase' on 'Window': Unable to open database, failed to start transaction (5 database is locked)
This is how I create and open my bank:
db = window.openDatabase("FidelisApp", "1.0", "DB Teste", "5000");
$cordovaSQLite.execute(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Users (userID text primary key, correio text, name text, phone num, senha num, cep num, endereco text, bairro text, cidade text, estado text, pais text)");
One of the ways I use my Sqlite bank:
var query = "INSERT INTO users (userID, correio, name, phone, senha, cep, endereco, bairro, cidade, estado, pais) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, [userData.uid, user.correio, user.name, user.phone, user.senha, '', '', '', '', '', '']).then(function(result) {
console.log("INSERT ID -> " + result.insertId);
}, function(error) {
First time I’m using Sqlite, help me!
ps: not even close the browser I can! o. The"
– Henrique Gusmão
has more details of the log when this error is issued? try to differentiate also when it is in context webbrowser and mobile. for example: if (Ionic.Platform.isIOS() || Ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) { database = $cordovaSQLite.openDB('DB Test', 'default'); } Else { database = window.openDatabase('DB Test', '1.0', 'Cordova', 200000); } -- also try to identify whether the error only occurs in browser transactions or when testing in the application as well.
– Pablo Dias
Can you put the controller.js and/or service.js you’re using into the save stream ? Preferably the whole stream, you click on a button to save for example until the execution of this execute method. Maybe you have the code on github and want to show it too.
– Pablo Dias