I was doing a Consoleapp and I was left with a doubt, what is the big difference of each of these and what are the advantages and disadvantages? In which case I would use Parallel, in which case I would use Tasks and in which case I would use Threads.
For you to understand better, I have the following problem, I need to start 4 simultaneous tasks to make separate validations (by the way, the code is already working, but I want to know what would be the best implementation)
My code is like this:
foreach (var lista in listas)
ValidationBSS bss = new ValidationBSS(instanceId, id);
tasks[listas.IndexOf(lista)] = (Task.Factory.StartNew(() => bss.Validation(lista)));
Parallel.ForEach(listas, obj =>
ValidationBSS bss = new ValidationBSS(instanceId, id);
} );
See if this answers: http://answall.com/q/123173/101 and http://answall.com/q/157435/101.
– Maniero
@bigown responded and helped me a lot, thank you!
– Guilherme Ottoni