Google login does not work after posting to the Play Store


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My code is all right. When I use the application from an emulator, or generating APK and installing on the devices the login with the google account is performed perfectly. The problem arose when I went to publish in the playstore, suddenly my login with google stopped working. When I click to login, the google message appears to choose an account, I choose one and nothing happens. This is the second time this has happened. When I play in the playstore it stops working. What can I do? What am I doing wrong?

  • Put a picture of that login you’re doing.

  • 1

    Add your authentication code, so we understand how it’s done and possibly help you.

  • How did you generate the key api? You used SHA-1 with the key?

  • 1

    The problem is that when you post to the playstore, you have to sign the apk, which changes the generated google login key. Tried to generate the login api key, with the sha-1 of your Keystore that signed apk?

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