Architecture incompatibility between drive and app


Viewed 1,857 times


I’m trying to access data from a database using pyodbc with this code:

import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("DSN=banco;uid=usuario;pwd=senha")
cursor = cnxn.cursor()

But when I make that mistake:

pyodbc. Error: ('IM014', '[IM014] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] O DSN specified contains an architecture incompatibility between the Driver and the App (0) (Sqldriverconnect)')

Does anyone know where I can fix this incompatibility?

  • If you understand English, maybe these links help ,

  • 1

    Thanks Miguel. From what I understand, I need to change the obbc32 driver to the 64. On the machine I am using already exists this file: c: windows syswow64 odbcad32.exe, you know tell me where I change this setting?

  • I have no idea, I looked for these links but I never went through it

1 answer


I resolved.

The solution was to actually download a 64bit drive (architecture of my machine) and set up a new connection, more or less like this one video.

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