I wanted help with 2d square collision and how to prevent the character from passing through the block Follow the player code:
local player = nil
Player = {}
player_skins = {
human = love.graphics.newImage("skin.png")
function Player:create()
player = {
x = 1000,
y = 1500,
angle = 0,
speed = 1,
xveloc = 0,
yveloc = 0,
maxveloc = 4
function Player:movement(dt)
if player.yveloc > 0 and player.yveloc > 0.1 then
player.yveloc = player.yveloc - 10*dt
elseif player.yveloc < 0 and player.yveloc < -0.1 then
player.yveloc = player.yveloc + 10*dt
elseif player.yveloc < 0.1 and player.yveloc > 0 then
player.yveloc = 0
elseif player.yveloc < 0 and player.yveloc > -0.1 then
player.yveloc = 0
if player.xveloc > 0 and player.xveloc > 0.1 then
player.xveloc = player.xveloc - 10*dt
elseif player.xveloc < 0 and player.xveloc < -0.1 then
player.xveloc = player.xveloc + 10*dt
elseif player.yveloc < 0.1 and player.xveloc > 0 then
player.xveloc = 0
elseif player.yveloc < 0 and player.xveloc > -0.1 then
player.xveloc = 0
if player ~= nil and not pause then
player.x = player.x + player.xveloc
player.y = player.y + player.yveloc
if love.keyboard.isDown("w") then
if player.yveloc <= player.maxveloc and player.yveloc > (player.maxveloc - (player.maxveloc*2)) then
player.yveloc = player.yveloc - (player.speed*dt*20)
if love.keyboard.isDown("s") then
if player.yveloc < player.maxveloc and player.yveloc > (player.maxveloc - (player.maxveloc*2)) then
player.yveloc = player.yveloc + (player.speed*dt*20)
if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then
if player.xveloc < player.maxveloc and player.xveloc > (player.maxveloc - (player.maxveloc*2)) then
player.xveloc = player.xveloc + (player.speed*dt*20)
if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then
if player.xveloc < player.maxveloc and player.xveloc > (player.maxveloc - (player.maxveloc*2)) then
player.xveloc = player.xveloc - (player.speed*dt*50)
function Player:camera(dt)
camera.x = player.x - love.graphics.getWidth()/2
camera.y = player.y- love.graphics.getHeight()/2
function Player:AngleRelatedToMouse()
player.angle = math.atan2(love.mouse.getY() - love.graphics.getHeight()/2,love.mouse.getX() - love.graphics.getWidth()/2) - 1.5
function Player:draw()
love.graphics.draw(player_skins.human,player.x,player.y,player.angle,0.2, 0.2,player_skins.human:getWidth()/2,player_skins.human:getHeight()/2)
function Player:checkcollid()
a = require ""
function Player:get()
return player
Also . the map I made in Tiled . all layers have the property Solid with 1 or 0 (I’ll put 2 in the future for doors and others) he puts everyone who has Solid 1 in a table called Wall
the code I made took all the elements present in the Wall table and checked the 4 sides to see if the player was touching the specific block I can’t release this part of the code because I deleted it last night and.e ... .
the problem is that when I check if the player is touching the block he Zera the speed x and y not letting the player go back . but continues to enter the block
I looked for all the guys I just found the aabb methods and the raycast
that I could not do to prevent the player from entering the block
I am good in English and have functions that have no real meaning
@bigown The duplicate question has been removed?
– Klaider
@Phanpy was yes, you want to answer that?
– Maniero
@bigown I was wondering if I would... hm, I guess I’ll wait for a next question, you’re in need of an Edit yet :/
– Klaider