Creating more than one Android Studio table (Sqlite)


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I’m trying to develop a mobile app for a final job of my college, it’s pretty simple!

The application has to save the information registered in the database.

However I would have to create 4 different tables to store the data, the tables would be: Usuário, Aplicativo, Empresa and Funcionários.

And after registering perform Selects that the teacher wants.

The Problem: I don’t know if it is possible to make this creation of 4 different tables on Android Studio and then insert data into them, to make the selects.

I’ve done an App similar to this before, but only used 1 table.

  • The same process you use to create a table, just repeat and create all four. In Sqlite onCreate do not forget to give the CREATE table 4x

  • Yes but I will be able to enter the data and make the selects of these 4 tables ?

  • Of course, a database can have (virtually) infinite tables. You just need to make the methods agnostic as to which table are working (passing parameters) or do a method for each table for each operation.

2 answers


If understood, you want to create the table and already insert the values?

You can perform as many operations as needed on onCreate.

Follow an example:

public void onCreate(final SQLiteDatabase db) {

    //Vamos criar as tabelas... 
    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE Usuario ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nome TEXT )");
    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE Aplicativo ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, nome TEXT )");
    //Seus demais INSERTS...

     * Agora vamos inserir os dados na tabela...

    db.execSQL("INSERT INTO Usuario values (1, 'Usuario Um')");
    db.execSQL("INSERT INTO Usuario values (2, 'Usuario Dois')");
    db.execSQL("INSERT INTO Usuario values (3, 'Usuario Tres')");
    db.execSQL("INSERT INTO Usuario values (4, 'Usuario Qautro')");


Friend, using database to persist data is very common, and for this has some alternatives.

  1. You can build an API, which you query, and enter data. Using a server, with the language you want. Communicating via JSON.
  2. If you don’t have a certain need for communication between other devices, and want to persist this data locally on the device you can use some platform. I personally like the DB Flow or even implement "at hand" with the library SQLiteOpenHelper. DEVMEDIA Tutorial

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