Queries Builder Problems (Query Builder) in Laravel 4.2


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I’m having trouble generating a querie using the Querie Builder of Laravel 4.2, the difficulty arises from the need that the resulting sentences for search in the database are within parentheses, below this the desired querie:

select * from `EV_RELATORIO` 
    where `DTALTERACAO` between ? and ? and
         (`MUN_ID` is null or (`MUN_ID` in (?))) and
         (`REG_ID` is null or (`REG_ID` in (?)));

But the next darling is returning:

select * from `EV_RELATORIO` 
    where `DTALTERACAO` between ? and ? and
          `MUN_ID` in (?) or `MUN_ID` is null and
          `REG_ID` in (?) or `MUN_ID` is null';

The construction of the querie inside the model using Laravel follows below: (Filing Vw_report.php)


class VW_Relatorio extends BaseModel
    protected $table = 'EV_RELATORIO';
    protected $primaryKey = 'ID';

    public function scopeMundos($query, $dados) {
            $query->whereIn('MUN_ID', $dados)->orWhereNull('MUN_ID');
        return $query;

     public function scopeRegionais($query, $dados) {
            $query->whereIn('REG_ID', $dados)->orWhereNull('MUN_ID');
        return $query;

I make the call in my class with the following code:

$rel = \VW_Relatorio::whereBetween('DTALTERACAO',array($dataInicial, $dataFinal))

I tried using advanced "Where" but could not generate the querie correctly.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

1 answer


I guess it’s like, I did it right without putting like scope If it works, just transfer it there, the syntax is this:.

$param1 = $data[0]['mundos'];
$param2 = $data[0]['regionais'];
$rel = \VW_Relatorio::whereBetween('DTALTERACAO',array($dataInicial, $dataFinal))
    ->where(function($query) use ($param1){
           $query->whereIn('MUN_ID', $param1)
                 ->orWhere(\DB::raw('MUN_ID is NULL')); 
    ->where(function($query) use ($param2){
           $query->whereIn('REG_ID', $param2)
                 ->orWhere(\DB::raw('REG_ID is NULL'));
  • Thank you so much for the help, I changed my Model and it worked, with the detail I used "use" in place of "you use".

  • @Leandroj.S.Paiva was typo excuses ... !!! how nice that it worked!

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