How do I add a different object to a list whenever using the add?


Viewed 585 times


I’m having trouble adding a different object to a list of objects whenever I use her add, I know what the problem is but I don’t know how to fix it, follow the code List class

public class Lista {

    NodeLista inicio;
    NodeLista fim;

    public Lista (){
        inicio = null;
        fim = null;

    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return inicio == null;

    public int size(){
            return 0;
        NodeLista aux = inicio;
        int cont = 1;
        while(aux.proximo != inicio){
            aux = aux.proximo;
            if(aux == inicio){
        return cont;

    public void add(NodeTree arvore){
        NodeLista novo = new NodeLista(arvore);
            inicio = novo;
            fim = novo;
            inicio.proximo = null;
            fim.proximo = null;
        }else {
             fim.proximo = novo;
             fim = novo;
             fim.proximo = null;


    public boolean validarElemento(String elemento){
         NodeLista aux = inicio;
         for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
                 return true;
             aux = aux.proximo;
         return false;

Nodetree class

public class NodeTree {
    String elemento;
    Lista filhos;

    public NodeTree(String elemento){
        this.elemento = elemento;
        filhos = new Lista();


Nodelist class

public class NodeLista {
    NodeTree arvore;
    NodeLista proximo;
    NodeLista anterior;

    public NodeLista(NodeTree arvore){
        proximo = null;
        anterior = null;
        this.arvore = arvore;



public class MainTree {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Lista lista = new Lista();
        NodeTree arvore = new NodeTree("1");
        NodeTree arvore2 = new NodeTree("2");
        arvore2.elemento = "3";



0 1 3 2

Desired exit

0 1 2 2

Every time I add a nodetree obj to the list and change its element by the object itself, I am changing in the list tbm, there is some way not to change in the list?

1 answer


As it is generating some problems, I will put the excerpt of the comment (edited) that possibly helped solve the problem:

I think if it can be supplemented, best for all.

When you did: tree 2.element = "3", you changed the attribute node element that was already inside the list, not just the node external. The list stores references for objects that are in Heap (logo: list.inicio == tree). In Java, if you pass an object like parameter, it is always the object reference and not the value, other than C that there is the possibility of passing by parameter and by value.

Reading recommendation: What are and where are the "stack" and "heap"

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