Ui:repeat - taking Description from the bank


Viewed 298 times


Hi. I would like to know ,how to organize my ui:repeat...

why on the page it displays : Change of Schedule and the checkbox field, Nightwork and the checkbox field

summing up I wish I could organize it ...the code it takes from a list ,and that these descriptions are inserted in the description table in the database,eg:time change and etc...

how do I display on the organized page, type how many messages I want horizontally, how many vertically .. pq the datatable has already done the test and does not take

I want to leave some vertical and horizontal, and put the checkbox field first, inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

<ui:repeat  value="#{cadastroFuncionarioBean.listaQuestoes}"  var="questao">
                                <p:outputLabel  value="#{questao.descricao}"  for="questao"/>
                                <p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="questao"/>

1 answer


Well... I don’t know if I understood your difficulty correctly, but I tried to run a simulation. I think placing checkboxes horizontally and vertically as your needs get a little difficult without using a datatable. I believe the solution lies in the entity Questão (if I understand correctly your problem). See how the model looked below:

Upshot: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


<p:dataTable value="#{controlador.listaQuestoes}" var="q" styleClass="width: 40%;">
    <p:column headerText="Ativa">
        <p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="questao" value="#{q.ativa}">
            <p:ajax />
    <p:column headerText="Descrição">
        <p:outputLabel value="#{q.descricao}"  for="questao"/>
    <p:column headerText="Questões Relacionadas">
        <c:if test="#{not q.relacionadas.isEmpty()}">
            <ui:repeat value="#{q.relacionadas}" var="r">
                <h:panelGroup style="padding: 10px;">
                    <p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="relacionda" value="#{r.ativa}">
                        <p:ajax />
                    <p:outputLabel value="#{r.descricao}" for="relacionda"/>

No Bean:

private List<Questao> listaQuestoes = new ArrayList<Questao>();

public List<Questao> getListaQuestoes() {
    if (this.listaQuestoes.isEmpty()) {
    return this.listaQuestoes;

public void setListaQuestoes(List<Questao> listaQuestoes) {

    this.listaQuestoes = listaQuestoes;

public void inicializarQuestoes() {
    Questao q = null;
    q = new Questao("Mudança de horário");
    q.getRelacionadas().add(new Questao("Horário Integral"));
    q.getRelacionadas().add(new Questao("Horário Parcial"));
    q = new Questao("Trabalho noturno");
    q = new Questao("Trabalho em horário extraordinário");
    q = new Questao("Desconto em salário");
    q.getRelacionadas().add(new Questao("Desconto X"));
    q.getRelacionadas().add(new Questao("Desconto Y"));
    q.getRelacionadas().add(new Questao("Desconto Z"));

Entity Questao:

public class Questao {

    private String descricao;

    private boolean ativa;

    private List<Questao> relacionadas = new ArrayList<Questao>();

    public Questao(String descricao) {
        this.descricao = descricao;
        this.ativa = false;

    public String getDescricao() {

        return this.descricao;

    public void setDescricao(String descricao) {

        this.descricao = descricao;

    public boolean isAtiva() {

        return this.ativa;

    public void setAtiva(boolean ativa) {

        this.ativa = ativa;

    public List<Questao> getRelacionadas() {

        return this.relacionadas;

    public void setRelacionadas(List<Questao> relacionadas) {

        this.relacionadas = relacionadas;

  • it was the same way Marcus.. had researched and really with datatable it would work.Obriigado ! -

  • I am glad that you were able to solve it. If the answer has helped, I will be glad to signal as resolved, as it helps in the points. Thank you.

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