Is there anything similar to php for Angularjs?


Viewed 104 times


In Laravel we have this command to create all the file structures:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
  • There is something similar to Angularjs?
  • Is there any tool that automates the creation?
  • How the file structure is mounted on Angularjs?
  • Good, as a guide you can follow this one: Angular 1 Style Guide. I don’t know how you would have something to create automatically already you create files according to your need


1 answer


Exactly like Composer as far as I know. But if you want to have an Angularjs base project you can use "Angularjs-Seed" by installing through NPM.

npm install angularjs-seed

Or you can clone right from the Github repository.

Since the folder structure depends on the needs of the application and the likes of the developer, an idea to generate a custom default structure (a kind of template like in Composer) would be to create a repository on Github and publish its structure there.

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