Add code before the </head> and after the <body>


Viewed 264 times


I need a cogido javascript that adds this code before closing the tag </head>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

And this one right after the tag <body>

    <ul class="spot-nav">
        <li class="left spot-logo">
          <a class="spot-a"><div class="spot-logo"/></a>
        <li class="right">
            <a class="spot-a" href="" target="_blank">WWW.GRUPOSPOTLIGHT.COM</a>
  • What is the need to add with a Javascript and not directly in the file? It will be loaded dynamically after a user action?

  • ⇨


2 answers


Can use document.createElement with appendChild and insertBefore, to insert do this can do so:

//Esta função é mais rapida que usar window.onload
function readyDom(callback) {
    if (/^(interactive|complete)$/i.test(document.readyState)) {
    } else {
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callback);

//vai inserir dentro do head antes do </head>
readyDom(function() {
    var navbar = document.createElement("link");

    navbar.rel  = "stylesheet";
    navbar.type = "text/css";
    navbar.href = "";


//vai no <body>, antes de qualquer elemento
readyDom(function() {
    var ulnav = document.createElement("ul");

    ulnav.className = "spot-nav";

    ulnav.innerHTML = '<li class="left spot-logo">' +
                      '<a class="spot-a"><div class="spot-logo"></div></a>' +
                      '</li>' +
                      '<li class="right">' +
                      '<a class="spot-a" href="" target="_blank">WWW.GRUPOSPOTLIGHT.COM</a>' +

    document.body.insertBefore(ulnav, document.body.firstChild);

If you need a delay use setTimeout:

//vai no <body>, antes de qualquer elemento
readyDom(function() {
    var segundos = 3; //3 segundos

    setTimeout(function() {
        var ulnav = document.createElement("ul");

        ulnav.className = "spot-nav";

        ulnav.innerHTML = '<li class="left spot-logo">' +
                          '<a class="spot-a"><div class="spot-logo"></div></a>' +
                          '</li>' +
                          '<li class="right">' +
                          '<a class="spot-a" href="" target="_blank">WWW.GRUPOSPOTLIGHT.COM</a>' +

        document.body.insertBefore(ulnav, document.body.firstChild);
    }, 1000 * segundos);

I recommend you study on DOM:

  • Just one detail, the link with http:// is understood as comment by javascript, maybe it is better to use simple quotes?

  • @Gabrielranéabarbosa thank you, it was typo same.

  • You have to make the code that comes after <body> load 3 seconds after the code that comes before </head>?

  • @Nano_off can be used setTimeout, I edited the answer and left an example.


Using jQuery is much simpler.

Could use the function .append(), to insert into "head", thus:

$("head").append("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''>");

And the function .prepend() to insert right after the body tag, like this:

$("body").prepend("<ul class='spot-nav'> <li class='left spot-logo'><a class='spot-a'><div class='spot-logo'/></a></li><li class='right'><a class='spot-a' href=''' target='_blank'>WWW.GRUPOSPOTLIGHT.COM</a></li></ul>");
  • 3

    A good example of use if one already uses jQuery, but importing an entire library to only insert two DOM elements seems wasteful.

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