Boleto Bancário - Convert digitable line into barcode?


Viewed 5,524 times


It is possible to convert the digitized line of a bank note into a barcode?

I searched on this subject and found nothing that would help me to remove this doubt.


I have the following line:

23793.13022 50831.414599 05006.305204 8 70010000002000

This line above displays the following barcode:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Now imagine the following:

I have the following code:

<h2 id="numbers">23793.13022 50831.414599 05006.305204 8 70010000002000</h2>

Is there any way to get the numbers inside that <h2> and generate a barcode? I realize that the most used is the generation of images in formats "data:image/png;base64", as in the image above, which is equal to:

<img src="">

That is, to better define the question: get the numbers inside the <h2> and generate a barcode in image format <img src="" >.

It is possible to do this in PHP? Like?

2 answers


Friends, this here salvation, I had to convert a function that I found in Javascript for PHP, in Brazil has little material that helps:

$barcode = preg_replace('/(\d{4})(\d{5})\d{1}(\d{10})\d{1}(\d{10})\d{1}(\d{15})/', '$1$5$2$3$4', $linha_digitavel_sem_pontos_e_espaco);


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