code block only works with F5


Viewed 28 times


someone would tell me why this block of code only works after refreshing the page?

var count = 0;

$( document ).ready(function() {

//  alert("testando bloco");
  $("#select_n").attr('id', 'select_' + count);

    count ++;

    // desnecessario
    $("#select_n").attr('id', 'select_' + count);

    //$("#filtro_subdisciplinas_select").attr('id', 'subdisciplinas_select_' + count);
    $("#subdisciplina_select_n").attr('id', 'subdisciplina_select_' + count);
    //$("#carro_div_n").attr('id', 'carro_div_' + carro_temp);


1 answer


Are you talking about $("#select_n") and changing your id to select_' + count. Then inside the click tries to refer to new id. $("#select_"+(count-1)).

var count = 0;

$( document ).ready(function() {
   //  alert("testando bloco");
   $("#select_n").attr('id', 'select_' + count);

        count ++;

        // desnecessario
        $("#select_"+(count-1)).attr('id', 'select_' + count);

        //$("#filtro_subdisciplinas_select").attr('id', 'subdisciplinas_select_' + count);
        $("#subdisciplina_select_"+(count-1)).attr('id', 'subdisciplina_select_' + count);
        //$("#carro_div_n").attr('id', 'carro_div_' + carro_temp);
  • 1

    is that the #add button generates another field with id $("#select_n"), it does not appear there because it does so through a framework called Gem in ruby on Rails

  • Try to show more information in your question @Erasmosantos. I do not use ruby on Rails any further than I said no error in this piece of code.

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