How to use Angular Factory with firebase?


Viewed 120 times


Good afternoon, Guys, I’m trying to create a Factory with firebase, to bring the data from it.

My controller:

app.controller('ListagemCtrl', function($scope, $location, $firebaseObject, $timeout, appFactory){

$scope.filmesCadastrados = [];

appFactory.pegaFilmes().on('value', function (snapshot) {
    for(var id in snapshot.val()){
        var filme = snapshot.val()[id];
            titulo: filme.titulo,
            diretor: filme.diretor,
            categoria: filme.categoria,
            duracao: filme.duracao

And this is my Factory:

app.factory('appFactory', function($scope, $firebaseObject){

var _pegaFilmes = function() {
    return firebase.database().ref('filmes/').on('value', function (snapshot) {
                for(var id in snapshot.val()){
                    var filme = snapshot.val()[id];
                        titulo: filme.titulo,
                        diretor: filme.diretor,
                        categoria: filme.categoria,
                        duracao: filme.duracao


return {
    pegaFilmes: _pegaFilmes


This warning appears on the console:

angular.js:13708 Error: [$injector:unpr]$injector/unpr? P0=copeProvider%20%3C-%20%24scope%20%3C-%20appFactory

1 answer


Then you take a look at the dock

  app.factory('Filmes', function($firebaseArray){
      var chatRef = firebase.database().ref('/filmes');

     return $firebaseArray(chatRef);

  app.controller('FilmeCtrl', function($scope, Filmes){
    $scope.filmes =  [];

    // Function auto executada
    (function () {
      Filmes.$loaded(success, error);

      function success(data) {
        $scope.filmes =  data;
        console.log('MIUUII', data);

      function error(errorMessage) {
  • I’m gonna try, thanks.

  • What a show!!! It worked!! It was worth a lot

  • Paulo, how do I get a property from Firebase data? Type, I want to take one of the elements of the json object, example, just the title of the movie.

  • That’s all you need, I’ve got it.

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