I can’t edit wordpress HTML


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I am editing a site made about wordpress.org but this site was created a few years ago, I can modify the html the way I want, upo on the server and the site starts running with my modifications, which are minimal, I changed some images and a text. At the time everything is ok, but the other day when I access the site it is the same way it was before I tidied up, I’ve tried so much and I don’t know what else to do, I’m two weeks into this dilemma, I’m using sublime text to edit, and Filezilla to access the server via ftp and upload the file . modified html, my server is Locaweb. Please give me a help! :(

In the code inside the html header of the page I’m modifying had this:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Feed" href="http://meudominio.com.br/feed/" />

I took it but it didn’t do any good, the other day everything went back to the way it was before. I downloaded the server root folder (the public_html folder) and edited the page I wanted through Sublimetext, saved and upended the public_html folder again on the server with my changes. The page I modified was in the way: C:\public_html\wp-content\cache\wp-rocket\meudomínio.com.br\‌​minhapasta\index.htm‌​l

1 answer


The problem is that you are editing the file in a path that is disposable (cache). The actual files are probably in a path of type wp-content/themes/my-theme

  • in this way q vc passed only have php files and I opened all and found nothing very relevant to my problem and the Assets, Languages, lib, templates, themeoptions and Woocommerce folders. You know what it can be?

  • @Sarah think it would be interesting you take a look at the hierarchy of Wordpress files to understand where this each content you want to edit. It is very likely that what you need is in header.php, you can read more here: https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Feeds

  • @Sarah just complementing the answer: the WP Markup is written largely through templates, which are files. php with html and some logics inside. In the cache folder you found html files because they are rendered, ready to be interpreted by the browser, but that are only stored there for performance reasons. Every time the cache is cleared (I assume there is some cron on your server that does this daily) these files are deleted and new ones are generated as users access the pages. Plus, I make the words of the above comment my own.

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