Return the total value of items calculated in a list


Viewed 694 times


I have a table with Quant and Preço.
On the form, beyond these fields, I have the field Total = [Quant]*[Preço]

Also, in the main form I have the field SomaTotal = Soma([Total])

That is, the classic sum of prices that everyone knows how to make.


How do I put that total on a Sales list?

That is, I have this total for each sale, but I needed a list that would return me all sales, and the total of each of them.

I’d have to make a nested consultation?

Captura de Tela

The image is illustrative. I need this list on MS Access.

  • 1

    Are you doing this via SQL or otherwise? (sorry ignorance, I don’t know anything about MS Access) If it is via SQL, look for GROUP BY. Otherwise, it has an article which explains step-by-step how to do this using the "Report Wizard" (Report Wizard). P.S. I would post this as an answer, but as I said, total ignorance in Access, would end up just talking nonsense...

  • 1

    #mgibsonbr the word GROUP BY helped me. I made a query SQL: SELECT, Sum([Quant]*[Preco]) AS Total FROM detVendas GROUP BY; Thanks

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2 answers


In Msaccess you can create fields and put their value equal to another form field / report.

In your case, if I understand correctly, you will make a form that calculates the total of 3 sales, and then you want in another part of the same form appear only the total of each sale (as if it were a summary), and maybe the overall total (adding up the 3 sales), this ?

Enter a method in the Afterupdate property of your total of each sale (which is 4044 and 2280 in your example) and have it update the other field.


Private Sub TotalVenda1_AfterUpdate()

    Me.[TotalGeral1] = Me.[TotalVenda1]

End Sub


I made an SQL query:

SELECT, Sum([Quant]*[Preco]) AS Total FROM detVendas GROUP BY;

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