Doubt with Ionic project generation


Viewed 91 times


I have this environment installed:

Nodejs = Node-V6.9.1-x86. msi

npm = 3.10.8

jdk = jdk1.8.0_91

Cordova = 6.4.0

Ionic = 2.1.13

When entering cmd as administrator, I requested the creation of a project forcing the summer Ionic 2, I noticed that the folder structure is different and the extension of the files and "ts", as I could have the version in "js"?

 ionic start nomeAplicacao tabs --v2

1 answer


Using Ionic-cli commands; start, generate in Ionic 2 cannot generate . js, only . ts.


  1. Use Ionic 1.x ionic start todo blank Omit argument --v2 Ionic 1 Docs

  2. Build your own workflow.

The first beta releases of Ionic 2 had the argument no-ts in charge start but it was removed. Source As far as I know the team is with all the efforts and focus on Typescript. Providing only the creation of files with extension Typescript. Source

  • I would not like to use Typescript, this is my question

  • I think the best option then is v1 itself. Already q is with angular 1.x and such

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