I added a column in the Users table, invited is an integer. I need to make a select in the table filtering this field, and I get the following error:
android.database.sqlite.Sqliteexception: no such column: invited (code 1): while compiling: SELECT * FROM users WHERE invited = '0' OR invited = null
Follow the codes below:
public ArrayList<UserCommunity> getUsersToInvite() {
ArrayList<UserCommunity> users = new ArrayList<>();
// 1. build the query
String query = "SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_USERS +
" WHERE invited = '0' OR invited = null";
// 2. get reference to writable DB
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(query, null);
// 3. go over each row, build book and add it to list
UserCommunity user = null;
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
do {
user = new UserCommunity();
user.id = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(0));
user.name = cursor.getString(1);
user.email = cursor.getString(2);
//user.distance = Integer.parseInt(cursor.getString(9));
// Add book to books
} while (cursor.moveToNext());
Log.d("getUsersNearCoordinat()", users.toString());
// return books
return users;
public InvitePresenter(InviteView inviteView){
inflater = (LayoutInflater)inviteView.getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
serviceDB = new UsersMySQLiteHelper(AppController.getAppContext());
RequestManager.Users(new FutureCallback<JsonObject>() {
public void onCompleted(Exception e, JsonObject result) {
SessionManager sessionManager = new SessionManager();
if (!sessionManager.getInvitedUser()) {
usersList = new Gson().fromJson(result.get("data"), new TypeToken<ArrayList<UserCommunity>>() {
usersList = serviceDB.getUsersToInvite();
this.inviteView = inviteView;
Creation of the bank:
@Override public void onCreate(Sqlitedatabase db) {
String CREATE_USERS_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE if not exists users ( " +
"name TEXT, "+
"email TEXT, "+
"company TEXT, "+
"photo_url TEXT, "+
"departure_time TEXT, "+
"arrival_time TEXT, "+
"address_lat DOUBLE,"+
"address_lng DOUBLE,"+
"invited INTEGER)";
// create books table
Have you dropped the old table? You have to drop before adding the column or it’s no use
– Sorack