PHP return function


Viewed 146 times


Despite the variable url be returning content, as VAR_DUMP, the code below comes out by the message "URL nonexistent". Why this? Where am I sinning in the code?

public function getUrlcliente($cliente_id) {

        $parametro = "cliente_id=" . (int)$cliente_id;
        $url_externa = $this->db->query("SELECT DISTINCT query as indice, keyword as url FROM url_alias WHERE query = '" . $parametro . "'");

        if (empty($url_externa)) {
            $url = "Erro - URL amigável não cadastrada";
        else {
            foreach ($url_externa as $row) {
                if (isset($row->url)) {
                    $pos = strpos($row->url, "www");
                    if ($pos == false) {
                    else {
                        $url = $row->url;
                else {
                    $url = "Url inexistente";  ---> ele está saindo aqui

        if ($url_externa->num_rows) {
                    return $url;
                    return "Erro-Url inexistente";

VAR_DUMP is returning this ---->

int(1) array(2) { ["Indice"]=> string(13) "cliente_id=42" ["url"]=> string(21) "" } array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [""Indice"]=> string(13) "cliente_id=42" ["url"]=> string(21) "" } }

Note that the purpose of the function is to return only one string, the URL, not to return an array.

  • 3

    Have you tried to take the amount like this $row["url"] ?

  • 2

    @Augusto was that. Thank you.

1 answer


Follow the solution below by taking the result of the array $row

public function getUrlcliente($cliente_id) {
    $parametro = "cliente_id=" . (int)$cliente_id;
    $url_externa = $this->db->query("SELECT DISTINCT query as indice, keyword as url FROM url_alias WHERE query = '" . $parametro . "'");

    if (empty($url_externa)) {
        $url = "Erro - URL amigável não cadastrada";
    } else {
        foreach ($url_externa as $row) {
            if (isset($row['url'])) {
                $pos = strpos($row['url'], "www");
                if ($pos !== false) {
                    $url = $row['url'];
            } else {
                $url = "Url inexistente";  ---> ele está saindo aqui

    if ($url_externa->num_rows) {
        return $url;
    } else {
        return "Erro-Url inexistente";
  • 3

    Msergio if the Augusto solution solves your problem, you can mark the answer as accepted later, to appear as resolved in the listing of the site. When it is something that admits several answers, it is always good to wait a longer time, to choose the most suitable one, but in this case here I think that there is not much to change.

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