Which is faster to read and edit, a database or a . txt?


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It would be to store and rewrite only 1 digit INT, erasing one and writing another, on the condition that when it reaches 5, go back to 1, and go on doing that loop every time someone accesses.

Whenever someone accesses the page, the value would be increased by +1 and recorded, except it was already in 5, then back to 1.

Anyway. PHP + Mysql, or PHP + . txt, which is faster for this purpose?

Whereas if making hundreds of requests simultaneous no buggy the system, which is better?

2 answers


A text file flat It’ll always be faster, he doesn’t have to do much of anything. A database performs a monumental set of things to ensure data integrity and do this in an easy and standardized way.

That doesn’t mean it’s the best option. If you are going to access the file concurrently you have to know what you are doing, otherwise you will have problems even in a simple pattern like the reported.

What doesn’t create bugs in the system is to master the whole process of software development, deployment and maintenance of infrastructure. This isn’t just about whether it’s better to use Mysql or .txt. But if you don’t know what’s best, go to the safest database. At least it requires less care.

An intermediate alternative would be use of Sqlite that has the characteristics of the database with some file access facilities, including better performance.

In some cases another database may be more useful, perhaps a Nosql.


According to what you described, there will be hundreds of simultaneous connections. Each connection increases a value and when it reaches 5, it returns to 1.

With txt file this can be a problem as you will have to create conditions to prevent inconsistencies.

One logic is to stop editing or accessing the file if it is already opened by a user:

$f = fopen('fit.txt', 'a');
if(flock($f, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
    $n = fread($fp, 4);
    ($n == 5)? $n = 1: $n++;
    fwrite($f, $n);
    flock($f, LOCK_UN);

Using a database this operation is more secure, however it is obvious that it will have a much higher cost of processes.

Before you think about performance, think about consistency. If the routine is safe and you are sure there will be no failure, you will go to the "next stage" which is optimization.

In this example above with flock(), the process is "super fast" but still some fault may happen. Something inexperienced where it takes too long to release to the next user.

Imagine then a scenario where 200 users accessed in the same exact time.

The first will be the "lucky". Will read and write the number and release to the second, third, fourth. But the last one in the queue will be able to read and write the value correctly or will return some error for long waiting time?

Consider that if the system has hundreds of simultaneous accesses, let’s say in a single second it receives 150 connections and after 2 seconds another 200 and after 2 seconds another 100. Only then you already have, in a space of 5 seconds, 350 neguinho in the queue to read and write in this txt. The system can interrupt the execution around the number 200 due to long wait.

It may be the case to rethink the logic of the business.

If you don’t have this large amount of simultaneous connections, then yes, the simple flock(), as in the example, can solve and be even a more viable option than a database in terms of performance.

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