Count the lines of a txt file in c / c++


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In file class the teacher used " EOF " to determine whether the file had reached its end, but by reading the wiki about c files, I saw that the implementation of the end check of a file is " FEOF ", the two terminologies work ?

I tried to implement the algorithm that looked like this here or this to count lines of a txt file, but it generated several errors in the issue of using " Feof " ( and its comparison with the read file ) and I ended up doing this trick:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main () {

    FILE *arq;

    char text[200], letra = '\n';

    int vezes;

    arq = fopen("teste.txt","r");

        fread (&text, sizeof(char), 200, arq);

        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(text); i++){

            if(text[i] == letra){



    printf("\nLinhas: %i\n",vezes + 1);



Could you give a brief explanation regarding the implementation of the links already mentioned above, or me explain if and how to do the above gambiarra stop being a " gambiara " without I have to add " +1 " to generate the right result and without the vector being static, ie do such item with pointer being the exact size of the contents file ?

  • 2

    Question Related to EOF vs FEOF:

1 answer


An easier way is to use the fread function return itself, when returning 0 means that the file is finished (and in C it is as if it were false). So your code is +- like this:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main () {

    FILE *arq;

    char c, letra = '\n';

    int vezes;

    arq = fopen("teste.txt","r");

        //Lendo o arquivo 1 por 1
        while(fread (&c, sizeof(char), 1, arq)) {
            if(c == letra) {

    printf("\nLinhas: %i\n",vezes + 1);



I know that’s not exactly your question, but it’s a way to solve your problem without worrying about EOF.

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